Sat. May 27, 2023, 7:30 pm.
Sat. May 27, 2023, 7:30 pm.
OMG, this is why Left brains hate me, everything must be slow and complicated. I can not make a DECISION of choc, vanila or strawberry Ice cream. Everything has a "but ..!" that creates CHAOS. Eventually confusion reigns/ That would be when a normal BALANCED brain would take over and DECIDE, analysis having been done. Less extreme left vs right brain people BALANCE each other and things work BETTER than each alone.
But if the right vs Left excess is major, that DIVIDE is TOO extreme. This is where abuse occurs. the left feels attacked because imbalanced. so he attacks the right who is creating the confusion or "war". The right always feels no listened and so the argument begins. This is as usual OFF TOPIC .. but extreme right vs Left will be torture .. never a relationship of any tye to get into, business OR romantic. WE are stuck with family and extreme on the spectrum will forever be difficult.
If I run out for lunch but forget my SPF on my nose in the blazing sun, I could go back and get it. But that would take 10 minutes. Forget I have no time. BUT .. if I am extremely sensitive, if my nose and shoulders BURN, the pain will be far worse than had I just invested the 10 minutes. Or I could just grab a new SPF at the corner store. Probably 10$ but I am so short of time. Now it gets lost in my purse and I just wasted 10$ bec going BACK would have been smarter. and I also just created more garbage for the earth to suffer! Do you see why being a RIGHT BRAIN IS HELL? and I am a slow turtle right brain .. so being in my head is AGONY .. 🐢 .. 🤯
I guess TOTAL VALUE THINKING is really just making wise RESPONSIBLE decisions. But who teaches this now? Certainly not irresponsible parents who only teach their kid how "special" he is! Not teachers who are too stressed from too big classes of monster undisciplined kids. Why would you ever hAVE a child today? Making them suffer our messed world is damn SELFISH. Fix things before you make your offspring endure the mess.
But sadly these people are oblivious to the coming collapse, and their life is just fine. Us THINKERS are just miserable negative people. 🤬 .. 👿 This is enfuriating to me .. but I should SMARTEN UP and realize these people's brain RIGHT Hemisphere brain wiring is missing. Lucky them .. life is easy when you see only "me/ mine, here, now" If they are also blessed with being raised to be self confident AND FEELING DESERVING then success is all theirs.And we more human and INTELLIGENT deeper thinkers will always be in their servitude. We are going to change that. We welcome left bring in our private club .. but ONLY IF THEY ARE WILLING TO THINK MORE DEEPLY. Yes building a 35 story building gives you TONS more profit .. but the shade and wind tunnels created deplete our we and us ledger. THOSE UNCARING of we and us are unwelcome. When things get to unbearable we may have to DECLARE WAR on those who live ONLY in their ME Ledger. We can not continue in their win lose society for much longer.
simple duality .. an elevator. so convenient, taken extreme destroyed sunlight created wind tunnels and WORSE .. destroyed neighbourhoods. Why is it William Pnnn could THINK and look ahead .. but we now are just idots do whatever with NO THOUGHT TO CONSQQUENCES? It is becaseu those with power and money get to do WHATEVER .. as long as ir makes the almighty profit. never mind it destroys our We and US ledger!
If you are too kind you will be left without caring for yourself. My first boyfriend (imagine 1963) said "look after yourself, no one else will." I hated that but he mad TOTAL SENSE. he said THEN EVERYONE HAS SOMEONETO LOOK AFTER THEM!" Damn .. that is brilliant .. I wish he was still alive so I could tell him! (Living in Stratford and staying there, made it easy to find him, older not so online, just in the OBITUARIES). We all DO have to look after ourself. Maybe the BAD here, is that we must not feel DESERVING to care for ourself too?
Then there is FAIR .. and this has a HUGE problem. I believe it is ONLY GOOD, Being FAIR can not be bad. What is very BAD is that there are actually "people" who have no FAIR wiring in their brain! If all the wiring is action .. Left, with no contemplative Right wiring there will be no ABILITY to be empathetic to others needs! It is easy to become GREEDY when you have no ability to FEEL unfairness and injustice. These people then have the NERVE to call us empaths .. "INJUSTICE COLLECTORS"!
But what is most SHOCKING? .. all these twisted backward names making good guys, the BAD GUYS is ACCEPTED today!! we truly are doomed. How many times have I yelled at someone for their irresponsible rudeness .. only to be screamed at for blocks! Sorry I am RIGHT, the good guy "you are an uncivil non "people" .. but you scream at me like I am the horrible one?" And we wonder why we need a REVERSE WORLD that makes sense!
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