Thurs, May 24, 2023, 9:00 am
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
What kind of society accepts that "greed is good"??? This is mind numbing to a Right Brain more selfless kind and sharing human. Loudly accepting that greed is to be celebrated is PROOF that Left Brain ACTION warriors rule the world (mcGilchrist). Only now with fried brains there is no semblance of humanity there. If a being can live with himself stepping over a homelss soul saying "he should have worked hard like me" I suggest that is a zombie devoid of his humanity or "heart". But he is ALSOdevoid of MIND. Does he not THINK no good can come from constant TOTAL INJUSTICE. Does a GREED IS GOOD believer
We finally have to have the religious WAR America left Britain for the freedom of. Right brains WORSHIP FAIR. Left brains worship GREED. GREED is evil. The plane mask analogy (. )was the beginning of the end. WE SKIP PART 2!! Look after yourself first SO YOU CAN HELP OTHERS. Around about the Internet .. We became a "society of SELF" .. and others can go to hell. Me first screw you has destroyed all quality of life. Everything in our life is now TOXIC becaseu all that matters is "MY specialness". Others similar SPECIALNESS was forgotten. WE each can contribute to the COMMON GOOD. With brains destroyed by toxins of fast "progress" FAST ACTION Left brains took over and their god of GREED ruled.
But our god is FAIR, decent and BALANCED to others need
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Tues. May 23, 2023, 2:00 pm .. "Don't be EVIL!"
sorry this needs to be WAY edited DOWN .. removed??
omg this TITLE reminded me of GOOGLE and therefore of my late 90's invention for an alternative direction to our search" based on ADVERTISING use of the Internet. Sorry .. MY WAY was BETTER! I was out to DESTROY advertising!
When we WANT certain information it is KNOWLEDGE to us.. NOT ADVERTISING!
Advertising is only intrusive and blatant when we do not have INTEREST in it.
WE could have ORGANIZED VALID Knowledge in a new way, and removed advertising form the picture. Jobs and a new Economy would come from a kind of "Bloomberg INTELLIGENCE Terminal: but for ordinary people instead of investors! An Encyclopedia Britannica on STEROIDS. (Thank you Wikipedia for your efforts ar FAIR Knowledge sharing.)
Instead we created a dystopia of "information" and ADVERTISING overload, with its overwhelm and stress. (I wonder what Larry and Sergio feel about their original (logo) "Don't be evil"?.. How IRONIC! How very evil it became. They control all our knowledge and intelligence. DoYOU go past page 1 or 2 in search? O! M! G! WE could STILL do my career builder .. why can we not be BIGGER than google? I just realized google is the result of not taking my idea of the later 90's when I took it to Canada's Bell and Yellow Pages. I naively figured the internet could create UTOPIA. If only Bell had listened to my brilliance. We could have used my share/ trade invention to CONNECT HUMAN INTELLIGENCE and today we would be MORE INTELLIGENT! .. Instead of brainless zombies ruled by ADVERTISING and Tik Tok "truth". Our shallow use of a great tool has taken us to the collapse of all our SYSTEMS.
Instead of basing nonsense "information" on advertising "clicks" with AI to find the crap, we could have connected the people with their expertise and created Encyclopedia Brittanica on STEROIDS. We could have had tons of new Intelligence analyst careers and based our lives on truth and trust. WHAT THE HELL!! No WONDER I AM NOT JUST ANGRY BUT ENRAGED! Ok I am not being stupid or crazy when I say we can take over google. Working TOGETHER, connecting, sharing, Trading our skills .. and COMPROMISING when problems arise, we can build a new "search" system, using the blockchain and the new (unstoppable) domains.
As usual .. my apologies .. Back to FAIR .. REMOVE THE ABOVE.. maybe put in "about me"
We have all these stupid "religions". I see gated churches lest a homeless person perch on their steps. I see people go to church and then be mean and NOT FAIR the rest of the week. Let's build our own "church" a non religion based on (god) creating us in his image and wanting us to be like him, kind, caring, forgiving and loving.
Get over yourself if you think there is no god. He could still BE the (science ?black hole etc etc) .. but SOMEBODY designed and managed this amazing earth we live on. Seriously!! Our developer could not even build a community of ? 8 buildings .. DECENTLY. This building is a bunch of crap, that I could have managed better and I am USELESS. (Remember "Those who can .. DO, those who CAN"T .. TEACH".
Yes, this developer managed a few building into CRAP and you seriously think earth and the universe had no CEO?? Ridiculous! God as CEO knew the sky should not be RED all day and BROWN trees would just be sad. You think all that earth design BEAUTY just magically happened with no manager?? Ludicrous .. sorry to be mean. Just join our "church" no bible, no Commandments .. JUST BE FAIR AND DECENT to OTHERS! But I totally agree that stupid religions do nothing but DIVIDE us. So we have one "church" where we go ALL the time .. to practise being connected and better at FAIR.
Being FAIR and DECENT .. is considering OTHERS well being before we TAKE .. solely FOR OURSELF. "Me/mine, here, now" is unacceptable. FAIR is considering "the Common Good" (the WE ledger) .. AND considering "the Greater Good", (the US ledger) BEFORE THE SELF. In our REVERSE WORLD, "Me first, screw you" is OVER. Our actions are always completed ONLY after we have considered their affect on OTHERS. How do we keep the MOST value for ALL in our "collective." ? (add Josie selfish "what if someone needs it more than me?" vs her simple selfish .. just "I am taking this for ME"). This is HARD .. harder than most churches. They just PRAY on Sunday, read the bible all week or CONFESS. How about just trying to be kind and caring to others.
Being FAIR is NOT ..
Is this a losing battle? Have parents QUIT teaching RESPONSIBILITY and DECENCY for so long that this will be a huge fight to bring back just HUMAN decency. has "I'm special" already destroyed the next generations? NO! I do know of several young people I would gladly murder (they were NOT human) BUT .. I speak to soooo many young epople and they all give me the hope to carry on. They are WISE for their years and certainly SEE the problems we face. So Once again the horrible screamers make us think it is hopeless.
Never forget US quiet cHuRch mice are the MASSES and we will WIN yet. Then we build a whole NEW SYSTEM based on WIN WIN. We throw out the old "win LOSE" systems, becaseu they just serve to make life UGLY. They even serve to turn GOOD people BAD. Why do you think peop;e rob and steal. usually becaseu they have given up. Nothing has ever been FAIR or just for them. They feel like they have no value so they lash out to say "I will show you that yo should have been FAIR and paid attention. to my needs too". With a FAIR system we prevent so much negative we stop so many minuses in ledgers
FAIR even GENEROUS make life a joy. Let's focus on the rich have got stuck in a tunnel focusing only on $. Once we show them there is so much MORE to life that can ALSO be traded for shelter and food .. we can SKIP banks and build our ownTRADE SYSTEM. BITCOIN ETC ARE NOT BEING VISIONARY AT ALL. WE ARE THE THINKER CREATIVE DESINER INVENTORS. LEFT BRAIN MANAGERS WILL SEE OUR QUALITY OF LIGEVSUCCESS AND JOIN US!
Fair is balancing deposits and withdrawls so that hopefully NO LEDGER is decreased. We put IN work (time) or resources and we get OUT our living needs or more. But our work or behaviour always consider how we affect the we and US ledger. Recently for some reason I have noticed hellos and smiles. How sad that this is SHOCKING. But it brightens my day .. and when I smile at another or hold a door it make sME feel good .. adds to my value of ME. We always go fURTHER when we feel GOOD about ourself. That is why people who really WIN do. You will never go far unless you are confident and togged that SOMEONE had to give you validation that you were WORTH IT. We can do that for each other daily with so little time invested. Instead today we invest time in bullying (troll?)
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
we do everything to the extreme, surely what is destroying us. Selfish, fast, lack of thoughtfulness action does not work for the BIG PICTURE or the future of humanity. It just tends to move to extremes. Balance is the only true success. Yes, elevators are great to make the developer 50 times more profit than a short building .. but the destruction of neighbourhood and community has taken its toll. I suggest tall and taller building have stolen our humanity. (add crawdads).
Trouble is us THINKERS can just see theses things .. we do not NEED LAWS! We just do things FAIRLY from the goodness of our heart. But the "heart" resides in the RIGHT BRAIN! Left brain people are DEVOID OF THE FAIRNESS wiring!!
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
We must ALWAYS consider OTHERS well being. NO FREEDOM is the cost of being part of a civil kind society where we consider the common good FIRST and then the GREATER good. The common good is doing NOTHING that takes from the enjoyment of another. If I feel like screaming right now, I will NOT becaseu I may scare the hell out of my neighbour. The GREATER good is that if we are ESP ( ) and we are the weakest oldest sickest on the life raft .. if it only holds 8 and we are 9 we get off! or agree the 8 STARVING others may eat me.
Sounds horrible but to empathetic compassionate, FAIR minds .. this is our LOGIC and REASON. I am not trying to have you think I am amazing. I just have spent my life WONDERING why this would just not be NORMAL natural BEHAVIOUR IN EVERYONE? No wonder we have felt along and eventually get angry. Others are not so kind to us.
I will believe the Extra Sensitive person ESP Article .. that there are 15 to 20 % like me! Of course shallow Left brains then think we are the enemy, and there WARRIOR kicks in. This kind of HUMAN sharing of WORRIERS does not come to warrior Left brain NATURALLY. We should feel compassion for their SELFISH irrational behaviour .. but it is hard. We were DISRESPECTED too long. Now we just feel RESENTFUL for their simple SELFISH life.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
We will only work for or buy from those with OUR REAL TRUTH, VALUE SYSTEM.
Enough with the FAKE scams and lies. Publicity of doing good that is untrue just makes people give up ever TRUSTING. We will not I've in this DYDTOPIA of LIES and MISTRUST. This is no CYNICISM .. we SEE the LIES EVERY DAY!
If we each question businesses to become FAIR CERTIFIED
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
a "fact" only half there .. changes the whole idea focus. it can be used by suit unethical minds to TWIST REALITY.
Contemplating causes of problems and consequences of action TOGETHER will ALWAYS create a better solution. But we have been LAZY. We let left brains ACT without first thinkng and carefully PLANNING
how much can I write here?
car back from the dead
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