Thurs. May 25, 2023, 11:00 am. add link to book!
decadence means DISCONNECT! DECADENCE is me first screw you in every imaginable way. Right Brains are usually ESP .. so Left huge ear rings, tattoos and SCREAMING green hair give no matter to the tortue they create for thoughtful people. We are sensitive to LOUD in very way. But even nails must be workd of art turned KNIVES in this DECADENT society. Women screaming "me to" dress like sluts not just at bars alone, BUT ON THE STREET and at work. Sorry but it is TRUE! There is no more "CLASS" whatsoever in our society. "Anything goes" is not a quality of life way to live! you just keep looking for more bigger, faster and NEVER find REAL joy.
Everything is MORE, excess and EXTREME .. to somehow feel more special. AHA!! That would be the mark of a society feeling "only ME! I myself matter first". But it is totally untrue, totally a mistaken direction. You can be as crazy unique and SCREAMING SPECIAL all you want .. and you will never feel good. Because you are ALWAYS competing! You can never rest because you lost a HUMAN TOGETHER focus. BECAUSE YOU HAVE LOST YOUR HUMANITY! Your "me first, screw you" focus along with "me/ mine, here, now" will ALWAYS leave you looking for more and wilder. A real HUMAN worries about others .. how my behaviour harms or helps another! But our society has been focuisng on SELF while harming the other for far too long.
And the diversity and inclusion crap is NONSENSE! It is a new way that shallow selfish Left brains in charge have found .. solely to DIVIDE us. WE ARE ALL HUMANS and unless we begin focusing on our SAME .. we are dead.
Remember in this DECADENT world, run by Left brains almost EVERYTHING is twisted BACKWARD. (find a better example than this ..Because I ask you to be decent and fair .. I am not a RACIST becaseu your skin happens to be black). yes .. If we call out bad behaviour WE ARE THE EVIL ONES .. like the "karen" being twisted backward. I get called a karen BUT she was the bitch I am the black man lied about by her. Constantly being VICTIM to this kind of UNFAIR can make you want to kill people! (not yet read) But THEY will turn "victim" into a bad thing instead of CONSIDERING THEIR OWN HORRIBLE BEHAVIOUR!
OMG!! At first I thought we are collapsing because greed behaviour removes from all our 3 Ledgers. That is tru but it is WORSE! greed behaviour deletes, or destroys EVERY RESOURCE. If a resource is something positive something we can use to meet our needs Left brain selfsh and shallow has detroyed EVERY RESOURCE or asset within our "me/ we AND us ledgers" and LIFE. Right brain thinker designers can even take liabilities and turn them into assets! But Left brains think only SELF thereby ALWAYS decreasing OTHERS ledgers! Greed is taking more for yourself with no consideration whatever for others. (Josie)
Tues. May 23, 2023, 8:30 am. re-order?? disconnected?
(or are the 2 kinds spiritual and intellectual! no see above!)
3 kinds of toxins that match TOTAL Health, physical, emotional economic (digital?) and systems
Tues. May 23, 2023, 8:30 am.
Our "ME/mine, here, now" focus, is POISONOUS to continuing our humanity's existence.
lack of responsibility and "it's not my problem" or "I can't do anything about it have brought us to near the very end of human existence. Our Life Ledgers are almost empty. We have decreased or depleted EVERY ACCOUNT. While our me ledger got many deposits .. they were not even of REAL value. Family or friend connection and BELONGING along with feeling VALUED and respected, are far more important than prettier nails.
so we may have lots of $ .. but life ledgers is the process of EVALUATING EVERYTHING IN OUR LIFE .. not just money and the house or car it can buy. The are the last things that truly make us happy. I suggest siting together on the tenenemet stoops CONNECTED people in NYC had a better life than we do. They probably SHARED a bathroom without enough hot water to shower. I suggest when our grid goes down we will not have the RESOURCES to survive. Fast and easy is our god and we forgot what REALLY has importance and VALUE.
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Even cool, fun, unique stuff can be LETHAL when it is shallow, phoney one-upmanship. Even TV shows have gone insane. Everything is screaming "Look at ME, I am the MOST special of you all!" No you are NOT "special"! .. you are JUST another one of us HUMANS. But the parenting that taught ONLY "You are special" and not "Responsibility to We and US" is now destroying civil society. We each have "special skills and talents" to SHARE, but our DIVISION into "individuals first" has destroyed our Human CONNECTEDNESS. Shallow selfish zombies knocking me off the sidewalk are no longer human. Humans are connected decent FAIR beings.
Competion for the latest, greatest, biggest, fastest is destroying us. A Win Lose, "me first, screw you" society destroys itself. we are already "eating" ourselves, never mind once we starving because the robots took half our jobs.
Everything in our society SCREAMS ...... To us ESP's, probably also the THINKNERS life today is torure becaseu it is LOUD in every way. loud smells colours textures and of course NOISE. "What my screaming makes you uncomfortable? It is not my responsibility to not scream IF I FEEL LIKE IT .. because it makes you nervous .. that's YOUR problem." There goes the WE and US leder. This person worries ONLY about the ME ledger. In so doing, he withdraws and deletes our shared ledgers. What a world of arrogant greedy idiots. Unless people work TOGETHER to CONNECT, everything collapses into CIVIL WAR.
But let's (pray) we quiet ones are the MAJORITY. They overtake our hope becaseu they are so OVERWHELMING. Quiet decent people are not heard and we are forgotten. Let's join together to form a decent FAIR community that is GATED to selfish shallow zombies.
SO IRONIC!! .. the "Connected world" has destroyed our actual human CONNECTION. Digital has destroyed our shared human INTELLIGENCE. Information is NOT intelligence or even KNOWLEDGE!! Information is just OVERWHELMING overload decreasing our actual INTELLIGENCE. Left alone connected human intelligence is ALWAYS better than ARTIFICIAL.
The "CONNECTED WORLD" has DOSCONNECTED us as people, turned us divided. It has disconnected our sharing of deeper ideas, disconnected our REAL human communication. it has made our inventions shallow layers of an onion as problem never thought though deeply BEFORE acting on IMPULSE
EMF's .. power use of Argentina for the cloud 2012
Do we go to a concert and videotape it .. never fully letting ALL our senses experience the adventure?
From Jonathon Cainer "If it were possible to know what something was really like from a photo or a description, we wouldn't need to experience the real thing. Yet, no matter how carefully we choose our words, we can't ever communicate the full extent of an experience. Even the best images don't reveal the sensation of actually being there." STOP LIVING IN APPLE's photos! Live here and now. yes a few photos but too often we live in the screen instead of HERE! NOW! REAL Life. This STEALS from our life. A REAL memory of sights and sounds will always be better than what is in the phone. ARTIFICIAL will always be ARTIFICIAL!
Sun. May 21, 2023, 12:30 pm
How can she not know the cost of delivery?? How disconnected from THE WHOLE .. the TOTAL picture are we today? No wonder everything is collapsing! When NOTHING connects to a WHOLE, like our TOTAL HEALTH .. vs "eat kale" .. or "yoga is the answer!" .. or "people with NEW ideas are conspiracy theorists". Maybe we should look at new ideas and CONTEMPLATE THEM. If not .. our Life Ledgers will ALWAYS DECREASE! By sharing ideas we INCREASE OUR HUMAN INTELLIGENCE!
We read BLOGS, not books (do you know how hard it is to write a BOOK?? I can write a blog in 5 minutes. My 'book" (life manual) has taken 5 years and is STILL not done!!) We speak in tweets and agree our BULLY. Our shallow, selfish "brains" or lack thereof are a HUGE WITHDRAWAL from our THREE!! Life Ledgers! If we keep DECREASING the value of our STOCK MARKET EXCHANGE (the 3 ledgers) our "stock (value) market" will crash!
= basic "Quality of life for all". Not socialism, just "REVISED CAPITALISM" to be HUMAN .. as in FAIR. Join us or die .. the fall of the 2nd (Roman) EMPIRE is here!
Remember our ?mantra .. we too are the atmosphere, see photo
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