Fri. June 2, 2023, 10:00 qm
OMG!! This is perfect!! from ?simply psychology .. psychology is to ME oriented for US!
"The left brain can be seen as an analyst, breaking apart concepts into smaller, manageable chunks. By contrast, the right brain can be seen as a synthesist, developing a more cohesive view (McGilchrist, 2019)."
The K I S S SALES mantra of the 90's already UNDERSTOOD that Left brain managers will NEVER want to hear all the LAYERS of I what invented and why. Just tell them it is a new profit source and they are good to go. K I S S!
omg!! wish I had more time to research .. same article! simply psychology, (psych is too "me ledger"!)
"For example, the left brain is more associated with positive emotions, while the right brain is more associated with negative emotions (Lane & Nadel, 2002). People with depression often suffer from a disproportionate ratio of right-to-left brain activity (Atchley et al., 2003; Hecht, 2010)." OMG I thought this was my own intuition but here we are proof from people in the field!!
Fri. June 2, 2023, 8:00 pm
I can show you why I am RIGHT, my NEGATIVE .. is the REALITY no matter how too lazy to think you Left brain continue to stay.
Sat. May 27, 2023, 5:00 pm
needs order and completion
both are great needed resources .. intelligence
both great ..intelligence
There have always been more creative inventive types and more CEO managing types. But we USED TO BE ABLE TO LISTEN TO EACH OTHER. Working TOGETHER great inventions created REAL PROGRESS. Notice we no longer have any truly valuable inventions. we managed to meet without a cell phone to call every 5 minutes or needed a map at our fingertips. We merged quite beautifully without yours APPS and very shallow tools. This is because inventors Rihjt brain no longer can work with Left brai Action brains. They will NOT listen to us. They actually can not hear us becsue they are disabled.
Only having right brain wiring is also a disablity and means even your life is managed as hell .. disorganized chaos is not pleasant for usually perfectionist right brains. No wonder we are DEPRESSED! This society lables us as losers because we build great ideas not profit. Everything today is measured by profit and power no longer for the actual GOOD OF THE PEOPLE.
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Sun. May 21, 2023, 12:00 noon
Sun. May 21, 2023, 12:00 noon
First the assembly line taking away any pride of creating something. the CRAFTSMEN of pioneer times took PRIDE in their creations! Those works of art were passed o to the next generation and MORE. Look at how churches were built all the CRAFTSMEN took pride in their final work as ART.
With more and more industrialization, Managers told workers what to do. There was no pride of final product. I am horrified my longest friend packed cheese for her life. How is that even possible? (The beginning of my THINKING brain wondering vs doing? I would go insane!
As industrialization progressed faster, Inventors had their ideas stolen after decades of struggle. USE and Take what you can and fast. Pioneers threw out the slow FAIR and UNDERSTANDING methods of the Natives we called PRIMITIVES! Such white arrogance! Some of us are embarrassed to be white, though we have always tried to live our life FAIR. So reverse world will take the WISDOM of the natives we stole from, and REpioneer in a more FAIR balanced way. HARD .. but surely more heaven than our win LOSE dystopia?
Sun. May 21, 2023, 12:00 noon
There seem to be more ACTION Left brains! Or is it they are the competitive sports enthusiasts who are LOUD and destroying the traditional calming CLASS of a golf Tournament chaotic?
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Because we are imaginative, Right brains Thinkers can contemplate sometimes "out there" ideas. Weird crazy ideas begin with not afraid to speak Right Brain creatives. Hmm?? Weird, crazy ideas? Is that how we got labelled eccentric or worse CRAZY? If we have a better way to do something or see a scam in the making the power structure is NOT happy with us. Why not demand and stigmatize us? There are definitely people who should be institutionalized becaseu their brain is not working right, but calling any one with a DIFFERENT IDEA to consider a "conspiracy theorist" as negative is VERY suspect. But then in school we are not allowed to question .. only to memorize "knowledge".
As Knowledge is SHARED through questioning and CIVIL DISCUSSION, it becomes MORE INTELLIGENT. Sharing HUMAN Intelligence is the goal of REVERSE WORLD.
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Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
I moved this down to be above ABUSE .. but it should really have a separate page!!
With industrialization, everything became disconnected. Today every job is in parts with no connection to. another of the whole. (unless you work in a FAMILY store .. which are dying) I love Henry Ford .. but his assembly line expanded on .. became the death of us! Everything today is disconnected in EVERY WAY .. not just our office work connection lost, but there is also no "HUMAN SOLUTION" CONNECTION. No SHARING of HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. Are we now just ROBOTS??
Why did a Metro delivery woman not KNOW how much delivery costs? That is totally IRRESPONSIBLE of her. But .. who taught her to actually THINK about a WHOLE solution to the TOTAL problem. We see solutions to tiny tiny problems. throw that bad guy in jail. The probe is way bigger and deeper. But our SHALLOW onion shell thinkng solves NOTHING
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Loss of control (having the answer) makes them feel imbalanced and not in corneal. Control is the focus of their life becaseu they are warriors. They like to get the job done. Facts, yes/ no, right/ worng is simple fast and the job of enemy can begin. OMG if I only SAW this over last 40 years I would have just given up on so many fight TO BE UNDERSTOOD! Understanding is NOT the quality of a Left brain. Their value is to take what they have and get the job done. No time wasted wondering about causes and consequences of solutions .. JUST GET ON WITH IT.
Our right brain insistence for ten to UNDERSTAND feels like an attack. A Warrior lashes out agaiinst attack. So when we are bullied or abused are we just unable to see that WE are making THEM feel out of control. Confusion means loss os control! Maybe I am beginning to understand them becaseu I fin myself saying I am confused all the time. They hate that becaseu it feels like failure and an attack is coming. so interesting. I have had abusers call ME .. abusive. I am definitely controlling as in a "take off your shoes, now wash your hands" germ freak, but I am DEFINITELY not twisty abusive. So I finally see this means I try to FORCE them to UNDERSTAND new more ideas and they LITERALLY can NOT! That is so sad. That leaves us doomed to be extinct becaseu in their speed they take over everything. And now it is COLLAPSING because a fast answer Orr solution is just a BANDAID. BOTH thinkng right and action Left hemispheres are necessary for good REAL success. But destroyed brain wiring leaves us no longer able to DISCUSS CIVILLY. Left brains become frustrated with the chaos we cause in their quickly simply formed ideas.
I discovered this today in talking to my last Buffalo friend. She has recently turned republican but a few years ago could STILL take in new CONFLICTING ideas to contemplate. gone@ that ability is gone and with my new knowledge that they are ACTUALLY UN ABLE to think FURTHER and I have been trying totally in vai all these years .. I just gave up .. why even try. Think what you want .. but we may have to kill you. The destroyed brain is killing off humanity. Why is it not fair to kill the "virus" that will leave no more humans? we have some very hard thinkng to do! Most of my family would be on the other side of the civil war. If we still had resources or had not destroyed nature we could separate into 2 camps and stay away from each other. But those days are gone. Left brains have destroyed everything and if they will not LISTEN and LEARN we have to "delete" them. Most are screen zombies anyway. We have much moral thinkng to do for sure.
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Right Left McGilchrist link
Worrior Warrior
Selfless Selfish
All these together explain
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