Tues. May 16, 2023, 7:30 am
We handle our lives like we handle photos. More, faster, easier with no thought whatever to the space they take up on our phone or cloud PURCHASE (even when they are garbage pics). We give NO THOUGHT to the ENERGY we use to keep garbage in the CLOUD. YES! The cloud uses TONS of energy and those energy vibrations (EMF's) EVERYWHERE are also FRYING OUR BRAINS. In (2012) when nobody even knew about the cloud .. it was already using the energy of the COUNTRY of Argentina! What do you think it must use today??
And I am supposed to change to an electric car? and eat PLANT burgers to save the planet??? How about we get using our brain .. if we have any wiring left? Apple has so conned us little children. Today it costs NOTHING to take a photo. Buying a roll of film and developing it was expensive AND time consuming. We used shoe boxes for photos and the ORGANIZED ones created REAL family albums. Today we don't want to lose the results of our "snapping" obsession, so we buy the cloud space. It is time consuming to remove the photos from the cloud, so we just keep paying. But it is not MY OWN STUPID WASTE OF MONEY THAT MATTERS! It is that I am always INCREASING .. never CONSERVING anything. It is a parallel to our society.
Today our lives are of only INCREASE, more, faster, easier is our god. But that only depletes and destroys our resources. The REALITY is unless we change our attitude FAST.. we may be too late. Can we work together to regain respect for our MANY resources? Can we be personally responsible for more than the SELF again?
If we are not going to be careful of the number of times we SNAP a photo .. as we did with FILM .. we need to edit and delete the duplicates and bad ones. I don't think I am alone in this IRRESPONSIBLE behaviour, am I? Every day I should edit and NAME the photos taken. Instead of 2 x 2 T. of cloud ENERGY USE and brain frying, it could be 1/3 of that. YES! CONSERVE OR DIE .. in everything! 100 ART photos on edit should be about 20 or 30 exquisite images. And this parallels life. Do we really need 5 eyebrow pencils? Do we need any .. where we are going. If everything collapses we will have NO RUNNING WATER.
The RESPONSIBILITY to conserve our resources is EACH of ours personally. NOBODY is ranting about that anywhere at all. Or it is separated and SHALLOW like (the obsession with plant burgers and electric cars ) instead of one big WHOLE concept, we ALL must promote. We HAVE TO GROW UP .. or the UNthinking care LESS OBLIVION in society will kill us.
Worse than oblivion to CLOUD ENERGY USE .. AND ITS EMF HEALTH DESTRUCTION, this is how we live our entire life. We buy stuff (even if it is APPS and games) and don't even use half of it. It takes up space, and energy, also in our brain worrying that we have to GET MORE ORGANIZED, get more DONE. The overload makes life more and more overwhelming. We wonder why life is so stressful. Is it FOMO. Fear of missing something important that keeps us chasing our tail of more like a silly dog?
If we quickly SMARTEN UP and bring friends and family with us .. TOGETHER with personal RESPONSIBILITY and SELF discipline we may still save HUMANITY. I have always felt I landed on the WRONG planet .. this one has never made sense to me. But nobody listened to my "that's stupid .. what about when ..?" Those in charge never worried about the FUTURE consequences of their SHALLOW selfish behaviour. Left brains just ACT without thinkng past or future. MY-opic behaviour is faster ACTION and always wins, but it is never REAL success. Bandaids will not fix wounds that need total SURGERY and rebuilding. The shallow bandaid solutions infection is here. Our boat is sinking, or we are at the cliff. Action without thinking is dysfunction. WE have acted without thinking for decades faster and faster. Our Dysfunctional SYSTEMS are all collapsing at once. If we bring back a whole vs DISCONNECTED SILOS of everything .. we can fix it if we HURRY.
The easy solution .. instead of MORE how about the OPPOSITE? LESS! At this point it may already be too late. Thoughtless irresponsible behaviour may have done in the human race. The stock market channel is all excited about finding Lithium to mine up north. How many of us think about the batteries we use, and then maybe even throw in the garbage. Our shallow brains are mind boggling to a THINKER. Please study Iain McGilchrist's new work on the "DIVIDED Brain". (link)This should be understood by all. It is the basis of our divided society, but no one is paying attention. If you are still with me, you are despairing too at our oblivion. Are we humans already half extinct? Is a mindless heartless phone faced zombie really a HUMAN? A human is not a body it is a creature with a mind, spirit and soul. Have some of us LOST our humanity?